What Not to Feed Turkeys,

What Not to Feed Turkeys

Turkeys are fascinating birds with unique dietary needs. If you’re considering keeping turkeys or have already started raising them, it’s crucial to understand what you should not feed them. Providing turkeys with a nutritious diet is essential for their health, growth, and overall well-being. In this article, we will discuss what not to feed turkeys to ensure they stay happy and healthy.

What Not to Feed Turkeys,

Credit: ucanr.edu

1. Processed Foods

Turkeys should never be fed processed foods. Avoid giving them anything that contains high amounts of salt, sugar, or artificial additives. Processed foods can be harmful to turkeys’ digestive systems and can lead to various health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and liver problems.

2. Avocado

While avocados are a popular and healthy fruit for humans, they should never be given to turkeys. Avocados contain a substance called persin, which is toxic to birds and can cause respiratory distress, heart failure, and even death. It’s best to steer clear of avocados when feeding turkeys.

3. Chocolate

Chocolate is a tasty treat for us, but it can be extremely dangerous for turkeys. Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound that is toxic to birds. Consumption of chocolate by turkeys can lead to heart problems, hyperactivity, seizures, and possibly death. Keep all chocolate products away from your turkeys’ reach.

4. Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are known for their strong flavors and are common ingredients in many dishes. However, both onions and garlic contain compounds that can be toxic to turkeys, causing damage to their red blood cells and leading to anemia. It’s crucial to avoid feeding turkeys any food that contains onions or garlic.

5. Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can be found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and chocolate. It is not suitable for turkeys and can have adverse effects on their nervous system, leading to hyperactivity, increased heart rate, and even cardiac arrest. Keep your turkeys away from any caffeinated beverages or foods.

6. Alcohol

Alcohol is highly toxic to turkeys and should never be given under any circumstances. Even small amounts of alcohol can cause severe damage to their liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. It’s essential to ensure that your turkeys have no access to alcoholic beverages or any food prepared with alcohol.

7. Moldy or Spoiled Food

Feeding turkeys moldy or spoiled food can lead to serious health problems. Mold produces toxins that can affect the liver and kidneys of turkeys, and spoiled food may contain harmful bacteria that can cause digestive disorders. Always provide fresh, high-quality food to your turkeys to keep them healthy and thriving.

What Not to Feed Turkeys,

Credit: www.pinterest.com

Frequently Asked Questions For What Not To Feed Turkeys,

What Should Turkeys Not Eat?

Turkeys should not consume avocados, chocolates, salty foods, or moldy food scraps as they are toxic to them.

Can Turkeys Eat Bread?

Feeding large amounts of bread to turkeys is not recommended as it can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Are Onions Safe For Turkeys?

No, onions are harmful to turkeys as they contain compounds that can cause digestive issues and damage red blood cells.

What Fruits Can Turkeys Eat?

Turkeys can enjoy fruits like apples, berries, and melons in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


Feeding turkeys a healthy and balanced diet is crucial for their well-being. Avoid giving them processed foods, avocados, chocolate, onions, garlic, caffeine, alcohol, as well as moldy or spoiled food. By ensuring that you provide your turkeys with the right nutrition, you will help them grow into healthy, happy birds.

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